Nestle food group in Pakenham had installed a newly constructed quick freeze conveyer and fridge pack that required pipe spooling and installation works that Mechcon was heavily involved with including galvanised Plant Platforms and access ladders.
Onsite installation and Pre Fab of AS4041 Class 1 Refrigeration pipe works. Connection of industrial Fridge Pack to Food Process Freezer approx. 200 metres of pipe from small to large diameter S/S piping. Pipe work was tested at 35bar and all written and qualified weld documentation was supplied to client and engineering design. Only 1 weld repair required on pressure test from over x124 butt welds.
Job: High Pressure Pipe Installation (Ammonia Plant)
Client: J.B.Foodtech
Date Project Commenced: January 2011
Duration of Scope: 8 Weeks
Welding: AS 4041 – 2006 Class 1 ~ Radiography NDT Fabrication: AS 4100
Materials: DN40 – DN 150 SCH40 SEAM WELDED PIPE 316SS
Protective Coatings: Not Applicable